- 哮喘手册 [2021-04-27]
- 中华外壳杂志-创刊70周年汪忠镐教授纪念文集 [2021-04-27]
- 介入治疗-临床应用于研究进展 [2021-04-27]
- 汪忠镐院士主编的《血管外科临床解刨学》专著 [2020-11-06]
- 汪忠镐国内外取得的荣誉成就 [2019-07-20]
- 第二十八届国际血管外科大会 [2018-10-22]
- Budd-Chiari Syndrome [2018-10-16]
- Pancreaticoduodena artery aneurysm [2018-10-16]
- Surgical management of aortoarteritis: a repost of 92 cases [2018-10-16]
- Vascular Reconstruction with Non-Pentetrating Arcute-Legged Clips [2018-10-16]
- Treatment of Limb Lymphedema by means of Lymphaticovenous anastomosis [2018-10-16]
- Vascular Surgery in China [2018-10-16]
- Enhanced Patency of Venous Dacron Grafts by Endothelial Cell sodding [2018-10-16]
- Therapeutical strategy, surgical tactics and operatives techniques in congenital vascular defects [2018-10-16]
- endothelial seeding of dacron venous grafts in canine [2018-10-16]
- Seeding of Autogenous endothelial cells to Inner surface of small caliber dacron vascular prostheses [2018-10-16]
- Pre and post-operative management for patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome [2018-10-16]
- 锁骨下动脉窃血综合征的外科治疗 [2018-10-16]
- The significance of percutaneous transhepatic hepatovenographu in the diagnosis and treatment of Bud [2018-10-16]
- Carotid Reconstruction without Hypothermia and Shunt(Report of 21 Consecutive Cases) [2018-10-16]